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Andy the cat enjoys animal communication

Donna McDonald

Animal Communication Guide

Donna began her life’s work with animals in early childhood. With passion and an innate respect for all living beings Donna began collecting strays and injured animals of all kinds and nursing them back to health.

Donna’s early passion for nurturing life led her to an interest in the science of chemistry and biology; Donna graduated from Georgia Institute of Technology as an honor student in 1984 obtaining a BS in Chemical Engineering. Since that time Donna has enjoyed a successful sales career in the medical research and biotechnology field, honing her organizational and problem solving skills.

In 1997 Donna re-connected with her first passion – nurturing animals. Donna honors and recognizes her belated companion Murphy, with whom she shared special and challenging experiences, for helping her to reopen her mind and reconnect her with heart felt work. With a desire to assist her own companion animal, Donna embarked on a course of study that would provide her with a variety of ways she could help animals change their inappropriate behaviors with positive reinforcement and cooperation between human and animals.

Donna is a graduate of the Tellington TTouch Companion Animal Certification Program. In her commitment for continuing education Donna has completed numerous classes with renowned animal communicator pioneer Penelope Smith and with Assisi International Animal Institute in their Professional Animal Communication Program and courses with Carol Gurney.  Donna maintains her studies to learn more about complimentary holistic medicine, massage, touch therapies, aromatherapy, flower essences and other non-invasive healing modalities.

Donna resides in Longmont, CO with her beloved animals.  Donna can be reached at 415-710-9209 or

“Donna is a very talented and skilled animal communicator. She has provided key insights into a wide range of issues for my clients and my own animal companions. She is amazingly capable at explaining the human perspective in ways that animals can understand. I recommend her highly!” –Sheryl Carver, Tellington TTouch Practitioner & Software Engineer


“Animal communication was a new concept for me, one I had never imagined, until I heard about Donna’s skills. Over the past three years I have asked her to communicate with my pets on numerous occasions and I am always amazed at the detail and accuracy of the information she delivers! Donna has helped me deal with illness and behavioral issues and she has even helped me confirm a personality match with a rescue I was about to adopt. I have recommended Donna to friends, family, co-workers and rescue organizations, many of which have sought her council. If you’re looking for a better relationship with your pets I recommend her to you as well!”
–Debbie Swords, Atlanta, GA

“Donna’s skills as an animal communicator have been invaluable in the care of our animals. We have been working with Donna on a regular basis since 1998 and have found her work to be insightful and validating in dealing with both emergency and non-emergency health issues as well as behavior issues. I recommend her services to anyone who would like a deeper relationship with their companion animal.”
–Lauren Shelby, Interior Designer

“Donna is a very talented and skilled animal communicator. She has provided key insights into a wide range of issues for my clients and my own animal companions. She is amazingly capable at explaining the human perspective in ways that animals can understand. I recommend her highly!”
–Sheryl Carver, Tellington TTouch Practitioner & Software Engineer

“Dear Donna – Your ‘talk’ with Salem literally did wonders: he has totally stopped urinating around the house, a nasty habit he developed since my mom died a year and seven months ago. It accelerated when my dad passed away unexpectedly. Your connection with him has really helped us out. I wouldn’t be honest if I didn’t say that at first I was a bit skeptical. The results, however, of your conversation were immediate. Salem has once again resumed being fastidious with the litter box, sleeps every night with me on the bed, and in general, follows me around like a dog more than an independent cat. You really helped me out. He is a sweet cat and now I understand why he was behaving the way he was. Thanks for all of your help from all of us!”
–Maria Lunk, Professor, Emory University

“This joyful and compassionate work is dedicated to my lifelong and loving companion, Murphy McDonald.”

July 10, 1987 – March 24, 2003

In loving memory of Murphy McDonald