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Andy the cat enjoys animal communication


Animal Consciousness offers a variety of services for your companion animal: Animal Communication and Reiki.

Donna is a Reiki Master and with her nurturing nature and education as an animal communicator and Tellington TTouch practitioner, your companion is always in good hands.

The use of telepathy to share information between persons and animals. Helps with changing a behavior, giving a better understanding of your companion’s needs and concerns or in assisting with the coping of euthanasia or loss of a beloved animal companion. Offered remotely.

An ancient system of natural healing that works with the innate body wisdom of the animal, Reiki is administered with a light touch on various parts in a pattern that promotes optimum energy balancing.  Offered remotely.

Oracle decks are used as a tool for self-reflection to add to your spiritual practice, or just to use for fun. Pull a card from this dog-inspired deck of 65 oracle cards with original illustrations. In times of needed encouragement and inspiration, these cards will provide you the focus you need for your day.

Each card in the Messages From DOG Oracle Card set will lead you to a page in the accompanying Guidebook. That page will have words, images, and numbers to help you be reflective and search within for the answers you might be seeking.

Furry Tails is a collection of short stories in which a furry animal is one of the main characters, hero, or heroine. Current issues that young people face every day are addressed in this series of fun and insightful tales. 

Each story has its own lesson to relate. As the classic tales of old, they offer a moral that asks readers to reflect on their reactions when faced with challenges and their own actions as a result. The intention is to inspire the reader to recognize their own behaviors or habit and use peaceful ways to change any unkind tactic into healing energy that comes from a place of love, confidence, and humility.

Each story uses symbolism as a way to expand the meaning of the story. A glossary of flowers, animals, household furnishings, and colors are listed at the end of each tale. The reader is encouraged to find and reflect upon the symbols in the illustrations.

“Animal communication was a new concept for me, one I had never imagined, until I heard about Donna’s skills. Over the past three years I have asked her to communicate with my pets on numerous occasions and I am always amazed at the detail and accuracy of the information she delivers! Donna has helped me deal with illness and behavioral issues and she has even helped me confirm a personality match with a rescue I was about to adopt. I have recommended Donna to friends, family, co-workers and rescue organizations, many of which have sought her council. If you’re looking for a better relationship with your pets I recommend her to you as well!” –Debbie Swords, Atlanta, GA

“To err is human,
to forgive canine.”