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Andy the cat enjoys animal communication

Animal Communication

A primary goal of Donna’s animal communication service is to help all species coexist in greater understanding, cooperation, and happiness.

All species are spiritual beings. This awareness of animals as intelligent beings with a spiritual essence is central to the ease in which animals communicate and increases their willingness to understand and change in positive directions. With or without physical contact, communication is telepathic with feelings, intentions, thoughts, concepts and/or mental pictures.

If you have seen the pet psychic on Animal Planet then you have witnessed what an animal communicator is capable of doing. Donna, too, is an animal communicator. Telepathic communication is reciprocated by the animals and translated into words for human understanding. Sometimes the information Donna shares does not make sense in linear thinking and thus it is important for her to share all information rather than judge what is translated.

How Animal Communication Works

Animal Communication sessions are virtual and involve comments and/or questions you have for your animal companion. Examples of things that can be communicated are:

  • letting your animal companion know you will be traveling and want to inform them how they will be cared for while you are away
  • informing them that human or animal company may be visiting
  • sharing with them that a new family member is arriving
  • explaining the loss of a loved one
  • inquiring about the animal’s emotional and physical health
  • gaining insight into training and behavioral issues
  • locating a lost animal companion

Once you have booked your 1-hour appointment, we will send you a link to a questionnaire including communication questions/comments listed in order of importance to you, the name and description of the animal, and a picture.

The questionnaire must be completed prior to the appointment. Once this is received Donna will contact you and arrange a time for the session.

At the session, a few minutes will be spent on any questions Donna has from your questionnaire. Once clear, Donna will invite your animal into the communication.

Once a connection has been made with the animal, Donna will ask you to disconnect over the phone yet be mindfully present. She will converse with the animal and then contact you after 30-45 minutes to discuss the communication. (International calls may be handled differently.)

All communications depend on the animal; however, on average, approximately 3-5 comments and/or questions can be covered within the hour session.

“Dear Donna – Your ‘talk’ with Salem literally did wonders: he has totally stopped urinating around the house…. Your connection with him has really helped us out. I wouldn’t be honest if I didn’t say that at first I was a bit skeptical. The results, however, of your conversation were immediate. Salem has once again resumed being fastidious with the litter box, sleeps every night with me on the bed, and in general, follows me around like a dog more than an independent cat. You really helped me out. He is a sweet cat and now I understand why he was behaving the way he was. Thanks for all of your help from all of us!” –Maria Lunk, Professor, Emory University