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Flower Essences

Flower Essences – a holistic approach for behavioral issues

Flower essences are a safe, non-toxic, and effective way to address emotional and spiritual imbalances for ourselves and our companion animals.    The underlying principle for using flower essences is that one’s state of mind is the primary cause of stress, illness and dis-ease.    Flower essences have been compared to art and music in their ability to interact with the subtle energy body and awaken specific qualities within the recipient.

An English surgeon, Dr. Edward Bach, developed a therapeutic system using flower essences in the early 1900s.  Bach identified 38 healing remedies for the known negative states of mind.  Bach believed that one could be restored to a positive state of mind by the energies found in flowering plants, bushes and trees.   Bach was one of the early pioneers of connecting our emotional state of being to our physical state.   Bach believed the whole being needed to be considered in treating an illness not the symptoms alone.

In today’s holistic community flower essences are typically categorized under energy medicine.

My first experience with flower essences was in 1997 when I participated in a Tellington TTouch weekend class.    The class had an excess of large dogs that were participating since many had displayed   dog upon dog aggression.   Initially there was a great deal of tension in the class exhibited by the dogs and their human companions.    I witnessed the use of Bach Rescue Remedy which seemed to take the edge off the stressed dogs and gave the guardian and the animal the ability to relax and learn.   And of course the instructors’ skill with Tellington TTouch was also very beneficial.   

Since my first introduction to the flower essences, I have used them for myself and my companion animals as well as with shelter animals.   Some activities where I have used flower essence with animals are:

  • Visits to the veterinary
  • Auto and airplane travel
  • Visits to the groomer
  • Thunderstorms
  • Any celebration where fireworks are being used
  • Aggressiveness
  • Separation anxiety
  • Hyperactivity or excitability

Many times the anticipation we note in our companion animal is a result from our own personal stress and the human can also take flower essences to restore their own natural balance.    Based on my own emotional aspect I have tried several of the original Bach remedies and have found them to be effective.

The original Bach remedies include alcohol as well as the Bach Rescue Remedy.    Bach Rescue Remedy for Pets is an alcohol free blend of several of the 38 Original Bach Flower Remedies developed by Dr. Edward Bach.   

The Bach Rescue Remedy for Pets is a blend of rock rose, impatiens, clematis, Star of Bethlehem and Cherry Plum and is recommended for use to assist an animal with different emotional expressions of an animal when confronting stressful situations.

More and more people are reconnecting with a more natural approach to health for themselves and their companion animals.  The use of flower essences by many holistic veterinarians, animal behaviorists and trainers is much more common now than even five years ago.   

Flower essences are typically applied under the tongue – dropping a few drops from the stock bottle using an eye dropper.   Many times I have placed a couple of drops on the underside at the top of the animal’s ear (note- not in the ear).   Some people use a mister.   I usually give the remedy about 30 minutes prior to the anticipated event.    


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