Some Notes About Reiki
Reiki is a non invasive subtle method that helps the body recognize where energy is low or blocked to restore natural flow.
In the last 10 years Reiki has become more recognized as a treatment for maintaining and improving the overall health. Reiki is being taught to nursing students and in massage schools and is gaining acceptance as a modality for decreasing anxiety and restoring balance. Many US hospitals are now offering alternative therapies and Reiki is often on the list of those modalities.
Reiki simply translates to Sacred Energy of the Universe that sustains all of life or Universal Life Energy. There are several other names for this pervasive healing energy which includes “Chi “ , “Yesod” , “Holy Spirit”, “ Prana”, “ Subtle Energy” and “Innate Intelligence”.
Reiki practice is thought to have originated around 3000 BC by the Buddhist monks in the region of Tibet. The Reiki System I practice evolved from The Usui System of Reiki. There are three primary people that developed and expanded this sacred knowledge: Dr. Mikao Usui, Dr. Chujiro Hayashi and Mrs. Hawayo Takata.
Based on literature published, Takata while living in Hawaii was diagnosed with a terminal illness. She and her two children moved to Japan to be with her parents before WWII. While there she was introduced to a clinic operated by Dr. Hayahsi. He had opened a clinic to treat patients with terminal illness using the Usui Reiki System developed by Dr Mikao Usui in the early 1900s. Ms Takata became a recipient of Reiki and was healed. She worked at the clinic and was the first woman to be given this ancient knowledge. Ms Takata returned to Hawaii and personally trained at least 22 Reiki Masters in North America before her death in 1980.
The Reiki guiding principles:
Just for today, I will not worry.
Just for today, I will not anger.
Just for today, I will do my work honestly.
Just for today, I will give thanks for my many blessings
Just for today, I will be kind to my neighbor and every living thing.
The number of Reiki practitioner is increasing as people continue to request more holistic methods to improve health.
Evidence shows Reiki can offer:
- Stress relief and relaxation
- Decrease of pain and discomfort
- Assistance with insomnia
- Digestive issue reduction
- Faster recovery from operations
- Lowers blood pressure
- Increased vitality
Typical perceived benefits after Reiki treatment as described by human clients:
- Relaxing
- Calming
- Pain reduction
- Boost to physical energy level
- Ability to obtain restful sleep
Why receive a Reiki Treatment? To assist the body in restoring energetic balance for the whole being – body mind and spirit.